Belgium, Events

Space Smart

Yesterday evening, D and I attended a bi-annual event known as Ronde van Harelbeke. First, the mayor gave a short speech, then there was an introduction to the concept of Sustainable Development Goals, followed by an interesting main talk on how we can Be Smart With Space. The talk focused on space optimization and mentioned the challenges currently faced by Flanders. Halfway through, there was a break where we were treated to two free drinks each (what else?). The attendants were also encouraged to take part in some interactive activities and surveys. Then the event continued on with a panel discussion, which was then followed up by a Q&A session. There were some more drinking in the end before everyone went home.

It is very important that we, as a community, are made aware of the challenges and issues of our current environment. That we are also made aware of what we can still do in terms of the usage and optimization of space.

On the negative side, D and I have already built our house in the suburbs. Nonetheless, our home (space) has all the positive points of being close to the city center, a wonderful nature reserve, and many important public infrastructures.

Attending Ronde van Harelbeke was a worthwhile activity which provided me with much food for thoughts. As we biked back home, I came to the conclusion that I just have to make the best of what I have. In short, being frugal, environmental friendly and having low impact lifestyles would be the answers to our specific situations.
