Being Human, Jibber Jabber

Rain, Shine & Whine

Food for thought:

  • When it rains, ground water and water reservoirs are being replenished.
  • When the sun shines, plants grow and solar panels are generating energy.
  • When the trains and buses are delayed, I remember what it was like when there was no public transportation to rely on.
  • When wearing my decade-old clothes, I am reminded that I have maintained my younger body. 😉
  • When the account balances are not to my liking, I am made aware that I actually own accounts with something in them.
  • When there is a lockdown, I cherish the extra time reading, cooking, gardening, and hanging out with my knuffelcontact.

For many of us, life is good! So, get a grip everyone. We should all tune down the complaints and stop the constant whining…
