Being Human, Health, Simplify

Blue Zones

Wikipedia has a well documented explanation regarding Blue Zones. In short, the people in all five zones adhere to the following lifestyle trades:

  • Family – put ahead of other concerns
  • Less smoking
  • Semi-vegetarianism – the majority of food consumed is derived from plants
  • Constant moderate physical activity – an inseparable part of life
  • Social engagement – people of all ages are socially active and integrated into their communities
  • Legumes – commonly consumed

While diet, exercise and social well being are essential roles in our ageing process, the psychological aspect should not be ignored.

My take is simple. When I start worrying about my age, I just remind myself that I have already gotten a good head start on people much younger than me. Heck, I am done with schools. Have read hundreds of books. Learned six languages. I have driven, flown, and have seen many wonderful and weird places in this world. I have tasted all sorts of food and like most of them! Most importantly, I am still here. I am breathing, aware and still curious as hell. The path ahead is open and my ikigai is intact and strong.
