Belgium, Quotes, Simplify

Not Your Average Lawn

The average lawn is an interesting beast: people plant it, then douse it with artificial fertilizers and dangerous pesticides to make it grow and to keep it uniform-all so that they can hack and mow what they encouraged to grow. And woe to the small yellow flower that rears its head!
~Michael Braungart

D and I do not have the kind of lawn mentioned above. In fact, D is even trying his best to participate in the campaign ‘Maai mei niet’, by delaying his lawn mowing. And I have been dead set on not letting any pesticides touching our ground.

With the addition of a water pond filled with water plants, and later some fishes, and a semi-wild flower bed on the side, our backyard will be transformed! Ours will not be your average type of Flemish backyard. And the best is we did it ourselves, never mind the back and muscle pains… 😛
