Jibber Jabber

A Tad Too Much…

This Friday, D has to drive to two different cities to meet up with potential companies that may give him the necessary course-completing internship. I packed him a simple lunch so that he need not rush home to eat. Facilitating and simplifying, are some of the things I can do pretty well.

Yet, life rarely follows a normal or well-planned path…

D was in the middle of a meeting when the father called his mobile phone. Awkwardness aside, the call bore bad news. While having a treatment for his kidney, M (D’s dad) was tested for Covid-19 because he was coughing and running a fever. He was tested positive for Covid-19. Oh damn it, give the man a break?!

That led to health scare for both D and I because we were in contact with M just two days ago. D more than I because he was in the car with his father for more than an hour. When D came back from his meeting, he ran a self-test with a kit that he bought from the pharmacy. It was a relief that the test was negative, but I shall be very vigilant from now on. The next five days will be crucial.

A negative Covid-19 self-test result does not really guarantee anything. One can still get infected. One may be carrying a miniscule amount of the virus about but do not know of it. And God help us all… one might infect others and end up killing someone else’s grandma or grandpa indirectly!

The escalating war in Ukraine, Covid-19 still sneaking about, M’s deteriorating health, unstable global economics and geopolitics affecting everyone. Today is a tad too much for me.
