Health, Jibber Jabber, Numbers

Hold The Test…

Two and a half years into the pandemic and I still have not been tested once. That itself might be an accomplishment on its own.

Anyway, I do not feel good now. I woke up at half past five with a killer sore throat, hacking cough, a runny nose and dizziness. Tuesdays; the day I go for bread, groceries and cash; I shall have to skip that for now. 🙁

My entire life, I never know how to deal with being sick. I will only admit and surrender when I have to lay down. Being sick means having to go horizontal. Sick means hours or even days wasted. Sick means I will have to navigate through a mind fog. Damn the virus, whichever one it is that is putting me out of commission!

I had to lay down for a restless nap yesterday afternoon. If this dizziness continues, I might have to do that again, today. That makes today – sick day number two. Bloody hell…

As for the antigen test, that is on hold for now. I only need to be tested the day that I have to be amongst people.
