Jibber Jabber

Abnormal Warmth

This morning temperature was around 20°C, which was fine. By the time D and I left the house at around noon to the parents for a barbecue lunch, the temperature was rising rapidly. After our meal outdoors, we had to go indoors because it was becoming too warm for comfort. By mid afternoon, the temperature hit the 31°C mark.

It is crazy and worrying how warm it can get in just a few hours. Will human beings be able to adapt and fare well to temperature fluctuations like this in the long run?

Jibber Jabber

The Windows

I have just spent the entire morning cleaning ALL the windows, inside and out! The cleaning can no longer be put off because the windows were so embarrassingly filthy. 😛

Next up will be the two rooftop windows. And because I need the extension ladder to reach those, the task of cleaning them will be for another time. Also, the stars need to be aligned for that one…

Being Human, Jibber Jabber


I am not the most alert person. But when the situation calls for it, I will definitely notice and make sense of the fine details. This skill was developed from a lifetime of constant adaptation to my ever-changing living conditions.

Jibber Jabber

Barbecue Grill

I have recently set an objective of cleaning the grill of the table barbecue till it looks almost brand new. To accomplish this, I will need degreaser, dish soap, baking soda, vinegar, metal brush, some elbow grease and a lot of patience.

Jibber Jabber, Simplify

Tropical Temperatures

Daytime temperature is going to raise to over 30°C in the next two days. In preparation, D and I are doing the following:

  • Take the parasol out from the shed, set that up on the terrace, and make sure to open it to shade the living room from the afternoon heat.
  • Avoid outdoor activities or chores in the afternoon.
  • Cook and eat our dinners outdoors. Thank goodness for the shadow of our plum tree.
  • Close the curtains and screens at specific time during the day to deflect heat by sunlight.
  • Use fans when need to.
  • Turn the central ventilation on when outside air is cooler than indoors.
  • Bring ice babies to bed.
  • Leave the bedroom window wide open after sunset.
Jibber Jabber, Malaysia, Numbers

Cross Continent Exchanges

Exchange rates have been favourable this past week. So, I moved some personal savings from Malaysia to Belgium yesterday morning. It was enough to raised a red flag at my Belgian bank, which led to me having to talk to a bank employee, digitally signed a document before the transfer was cleared and deposited into my account. What I thought was a small sum was apparently not. I shall definitely tread lightly from now on.

Today, I exchanged and moved funds to another non-Malaysian account. The process was seamless. However, I did end up having to talk to a bank employee in Malaysia to put my online banking access back in order. Dumb mistake, long story…

I shall take a break from playing with my finances for a while.

Jibber Jabber, Simplify

Two Warm Days

We have been experiencing tropical heat since Tuesday. The rain early this morning might have helped reduce the temperature but it is still too damn warm for me. When temperatures go above 29°C, I stay indoors, be lazy, and place a chilled towelette on my head.

Food & Drinks, Jibber Jabber

Shop, Drink & Eat

In the morning, D and I did our monthly bulk grocery shopping to stock up on sparkling water and other necessities.

Since July is the month of solden (sales), we decided to spent a few hours in the afternoon visiting two shopping malls. After that, D and I stopped for some much needed cold beers. We also decided to have our dinner in the city before heading home. Who the heck wants to cook in this kind of temperature?!

Jibber Jabber

Set Up

This 53 year-old have just hauled the borrowed standing ladder up the stairs into the guest room. I have also charged the cordless electric screwdriver and have two additional manual screwdrivers set aside with the correct T20 screws attached.

We just need to borrow the power drill from D’s father and then we shall be all set to install our first exterior solar-powered screen.

Fingers crossed!

Jibber Jabber, Numbers, Simplify

Seventy Two Hours

It has been three days since D and I got home. The following are things we have done so far:

  • Unpacked and put away things.
  • Three loads of laundry.
  • Ironed.
  • Plums – harvested, gave away and freeze.
  • Peas – harvested and freeze.
  • Mowed lawn.
  • Bought potatoes.
  • Washed car.
  • Unload yard clippings and miscellaneous items at container park (recycling park).
  • Decalcified rain shower head.