Numbers, Travels

Amsterdam Kortrijk

Yesterday was the last full day the family have in Amsterdam. Thus, we took it easy and went for a short walk after breakfast. We did some sightseeing and had drinks at Café Doffer. In the late afternoon, the six of us ate Cantonese take-away in the hotel dining lounge.

This morning, I had a very early breakfast with my parents at six thirty. Then D and I saw my family off at the front entrance of the hotel when they left for the airport at eight.

With many hours to spare until checkout, D and I went for a leisurely breakfast, took two walks, and spent some time in the hotel room before taking the tram to the train station. We took photos of the surroundings, drank beers, and got on a rather full train bound for Antwerp at two twenty.

Our two train rides took three and a half hours in total, and we reached home safely by eight thirty.

Belgium, Simplify, Travels

Kortrijk Amsterdam

D and I boarded the train in Kortrijk at 11.50am. We then changed train in Antwerp at 13.44pm and reached Amsterdam by 15.35pm. A short tram ride later, we were waiting at the hotel lobby for the rest of the family to arrive from France.

Easy peasy… 🙂

Belgium, Numbers, Travels

London To Kortrijk

Today’s travel itinerary: St. James’ Park Underground – King’s Cross – St. Pancras International – Lille Europe – Lille Flandres – Kortrijk.

D and I left the hotel at half past two in the afternoon and reached home before nine o’clock. London is not far from home. 😉

Food & Drinks, Travels

Hop On, Hop Off

D and I took it easy today and bought tickets for a Hop On Hop Off tour bus experience. We started the journey with the inclusive river cruise. It was marvellous! Things were way slower on the bus because of the Friday traffic. So after two hours of sitting in the bus, we both decided not to ride out the lengthy tour. D and I hopped off at Trafalgar Square and went to a pub to drink beers.

Later in the day, we did a quick visit to Chinatown and got dinner for the family.

What a day!

City waste transportation and Tower of London, seen from the Thames.

Tower & Abbey

The family visited the Tower of London yesterday.

Today, we visited the Westminster Abbey. It is mind-blowing that so many famous British citizens and royalties were buried at the abbey.


Parade & Palace

After our buffet breakfast in the hotel yesterday, D and I went to an important British ceremonial event known as Trooping The Colour. It was windy and rainy when the royalties passed by, but bad weather did not deter most people who had shown up to witness the annual ceremony.

After seeing the family off to Stone Henge, D and I took a long walk around the neighbourhood known as Westminster City. Literally everything is here! Buckingham Palace, Westminster, Big Ben, The Parliament, London Eye, The Thames. Wow! We then spent the later part of the day in a British pub. 😉

Today, my parents, my sister, her husband plus D and I walked and visited Trafalgar Square and China Town. After the late lunch, D and I went our own ways to visit Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace. In the evening, eight of us had dinner at a Japanese restaurant known as Ginza.



Harelbeke – Kortrijk – Lille Flandres – Lille Europe – St. Pancras International – London. All this in less than three hours!
