Belgium, Malaysia, Travels


This afternoon, D and I went to the Malaysian embassy in Tervuren, so that I may pick up my new passport. After all these months, I finally have this precious travel document in my possession. Yeah!

After the short embassy visit, D and I proceeded to the Park of Tervuren to discover more about this part of Belgium. We went for a walk from the parking to the Africa Museum. It was nice to have so much green so close to the capital.

On our way back to West Flanders, D and I got stuck in the very well-known and despised Brussels’ traffic jams! We were only home after seven in the evening. Ah well…new passport, a lovely walk in the park, and pizza for dinner, I cannot really complain. πŸ˜‰

Flashbacks, Malaysia


Today is a sad day…

My mother’s second sister has passed away after going into a coma a few days ago. I remember her fondly as a tall, soft-spoken, alert and kind-hearted auntie who will only call me and my siblings by our given Chinese names.

Because of my yiyima, I received money and newspaper mentions for scholastic achievements every year. She made sure that my mother apply for these from δΈ­ε±±ε…¬ζœƒ.

The last time I saw yiyima was eight years ago, when my parents and I went back to Sabah to attend grandma’s funeral.

Rest in peace, 二姨εͺ½.

Belgium, Malaysia, Wealth & Creativity

A Good Start

This morning, I was informed that my new passport is ready for pick up. Wow, it only took two weeks! I know someone who had to wait for two months.

Later in the day, I received a message from my uncle that he has sent off my mother’s new SIM card by registered mail. It might take up to ten days to get here. Fingers crossed…

This afternoon, I went for a walk to buy a loaf of fresh bread from the baker. I also dropped by the grocery store to buy a few discounted food items. This is a small action on my part to help reduce food waste, and it is also good for my food budget. Whatever I cannot consume today, I put in the freezer.

It is my good fortune to know people who can assist me in matters near and far. It is a luxury to have had adapted to this new life and to know how to take advantage of the benefits that cross my path.

Belgium, Malaysia, Numbers

Strange Sums

About three weeks ago, I put in a request for an administrative service by a legal office. First, I was informally given a probable sum, which I found agreeable. Then, I received a quotation for the service, more than double the initially stated fee. What, why?! This prompted me to pause the process, put a hold on the request, while I explore other possibilities. A week later, today, I received an email of an amended quotation. The cost for the service has dropped back down to the sum quoted to me the first time. What the heck?!

Meanwhile, lesson of the day on the Belgian front: It is more costly to defame the wrong people, than to knowingly torture and accidentally kill another human being.

Belgium, Malaysia

Name Corrected

Yesterday, I delivered the legalized letter from the Malaysian Embassy to a staff at the city hall.

Today, the same city hall employee called to tell me that my name has been corrected in the system. I may now start the process of acquiring a new identity card, drivers license and so on.

What a relief that a part of this lengthy process is over. Good grief…

Being Human, Flashbacks, Malaysia, Numbers


When I was in my mid-twenties working in my mother’s life insurance agencies, many people thought that I was a teenager. A friend of my aunt thought I was seventeen when I was a twenty-five year old university graduate. πŸ˜›

Going through your twenties and thirties with a face that was a decade younger has its pros and cons…

One of the disadvantages of looking way younger than one’s real age, was not being taken seriously by certain people. Although, with the right twists and strategies, my youthful looks was used to my advantage. Many did not see a ‘calculating strategist’ when they looked upon my damn innocent face. Ha!

Most people my age would love to be able to turn back time. They envy the youth and wish to be frozen in a certain younger period of their lives. Not me. I do not envy the youth, nor do I want to turn back time. I have travelled on interesting and unique paths in my teens, twenties, thirties, and forties; to reach my fifties. I am content to be at this point in my life. Life has been good to me.

All the best to those who still need to catch up. πŸ˜‰

Flashbacks, Malaysia, Numbers, Wealth & Creativity

The Happiest Two!

The following photo shows a two-year-old me. A happy toddler and her humongous home-made birthday cake! My mom baked this creation without any measuring equipments, she literally hacked her way to this using empty tin cans.

Fifty one years ago today, I got a gigantic home-hacked butter cake with runny icing, and two large regular candles balanced precariously on top. I do not remember this day, but I am pretty sure I was the happiest girl at that moment. πŸ˜€

Wonder what happened to that cute birthday card? Looks familiar. Like I have it somewhere, tucked amongst my many possessions…

Belgium, Malaysia, Numbers, Wealth & Creativity


Yesterday, I emailed the city hall with enquiries. I will probably not hear back from them anytime soon and need to follow up on the matter next week. Administration stuck in quicksand. *sigh*

This morning, I received a forwarded email from my mother regarding one of the properties in Malaysia. *sigh*

But first thing first. I need to live the here and now…

At noon, D and I got on our bicycles and cycled to a restaurant nearby to celebrate his father’s belated birthday lunch. The four of us enjoyed our food and then continued the get-together at our home with coffee. That was my afternoon in short.

In the evening, I contacted my mother and we discussed what to do with the paperwork concerning the Malaysian property.

My brain is (and has been for decades) partitioned into different time-zones, continents, and administrative styles.
