
Second Exterior Screen

This afternoon, D and I installed the exterior screen in the bathroom. The whole process took us about two hours. There were less struggles this time and the solar-powered screen works perfectly. Yeah to that! 😀

Jibber Jabber, Numbers, Simplify

Seventy Two Hours

It has been three days since D and I got home. The following are things we have done so far:

  • Unpacked and put away things.
  • Three loads of laundry.
  • Ironed.
  • Plums – harvested, gave away and freeze.
  • Peas – harvested and freeze.
  • Mowed lawn.
  • Bought potatoes.
  • Washed car.
  • Unload yard clippings and miscellaneous items at container park (recycling park).
  • Decalcified rain shower head.
Belgium, Simplify, Travels

Kortrijk Amsterdam

D and I boarded the train in Kortrijk at 11.50am. We then changed train in Antwerp at 13.44pm and reached Amsterdam by 15.35pm. A short tram ride later, we were waiting at the hotel lobby for the rest of the family to arrive from France.

Easy peasy… 🙂


Switch To Laptop

Temperatures will be rising and hit 25° to 30° in the coming days. The horror!

This morning, I placed the laptop on the dining table and will be using that when it becomes unbearable to remain upstairs.

Simplify, Travels

Minimalistic Packing

In the last couple of days, I filled the travel backpack with things I thought I will need for a 9-day trip. I then closed the bag and carried it around for a bit, testing the bag’s weight and feel. For several times now, I kept removing things. At this point, D was surprised by how little I have. To stop myself from worrying, I have a mental image of what I shall wear repeatedly.

Unknown factors like the crazy weather can throw all this in the air. That is why I am bringing my bank cards along. 😉

Belgium, Jibber Jabber, Simplify

External Shades

Today, D and I were supposed to go to Brussels so that I may pick up my renewed passport. I postponed the trip after finding out that there will be an international farmers’ protest at the capital. We rather not risk it.

So instead of a trip to Brussels, we mowed the lawn and brought the grass clippings to the parents. After the short visit, D and I went to order and purchase external shades for our four roof windows.

The summers are getting brutal, so hopefully these screens will help in keeping some of the heat away.

Simplify, Wealth & Creativity

Infrequent Mowing

The last time D mowed the lawn, with our new lawnmower, was two weeks ago. We did not participate in Maai Mei Niet this year, but we do practice infrequent mowing the best we can.

Who the heck in their right minds want uniformed manicured grass carpets deprived of blooms and insects?! Boring…

This is what part of our backyard looks like today, and I just love it!

Numbers, Simplify, Wealth & Creativity

Backup Card

This morning, I applied for a card that will serve as an alternative payment means. It is sensible to set up alternatives – especially in terms of finances. I have also moved some funds about so that I am optimizing the benefits of my different accounts.

In the afternoon, I took a brief stroll to the grocery store to buy some discounted food items. Walking is good gentle exercise, and the freezer is my friend.
