Flashbacks, Numbers, Wealth & Creativity

Pause & Propel

If memory serves me correctly, the first pause period in my life would probably be the couple of months that I have after my SRP exams at age sixteen. I spent that time re-reading the books I love. When the second life pause came two years later, I ransacked my parents’ home library and read almost everything I can get my hands onto. After that, I propelled out of my home town Lahad Datu and was going to upper secondary in Kota Kinabalu. Not knowing at that time that I will be going through these sort of launch sequences several more times in life.

1992 was a year-long pause for my sister and I. Then, the two of us propelled to college and university lives for the next few years. In 1994, my sister took her biggest step forward in life. We did not know it then but she left Malaysia for good 30 years ago.

I spent 1995 till 2000 in a personal semi-pause, while propelling my mother’s life insurance business ahead and launching my youngest brother off to university. Then my life got on to the fast lane from 2001 till 2007. The first three years were filled with design school activities. After graduation, I moved from Michigan to California for work and ultimately ended up in Nevada. Those were interesting years…

And just when things started to become familiar and a bit settled, I made the decision to up and move to Belgium!

Are my European years a very long pause? Not really…

In the past decade, I have steered events, built foundations, built launch pads, and changed lives. When and where will I propel my life to next? 😉


Second Exterior Screen

This afternoon, D and I installed the exterior screen in the bathroom. The whole process took us about two hours. There were less struggles this time and the solar-powered screen works perfectly. Yeah to that! 😀

Belgium, Events

Long Live…

After a light dinner of sandwiches yesterday evening, D and I cycled to a free music festival at the city centre. There were a total of four performances, spread out from five to midnight. D and I decided to only see part of the third performance, but definitely wanted to be there for Vive la Féte. What a show!

Today is Belgian National Day. D and I went to the parents for a barbecue lunch. After the meal, the four of us watched the last hours of Tour De France on TV.

Food & Drinks, Jibber Jabber

Shop, Drink & Eat

In the morning, D and I did our monthly bulk grocery shopping to stock up on sparkling water and other necessities.

Since July is the month of solden (sales), we decided to spent a few hours in the afternoon visiting two shopping malls. After that, D and I stopped for some much needed cold beers. We also decided to have our dinner in the city before heading home. Who the heck wants to cook in this kind of temperature?!

Jibber Jabber

Set Up

This 53 year-old have just hauled the borrowed standing ladder up the stairs into the guest room. I have also charged the cordless electric screwdriver and have two additional manual screwdrivers set aside with the correct T20 screws attached.

We just need to borrow the power drill from D’s father and then we shall be all set to install our first exterior solar-powered screen.

Fingers crossed!

Jibber Jabber, Numbers, Simplify

Seventy Two Hours

It has been three days since D and I got home. The following are things we have done so far:

  • Unpacked and put away things.
  • Three loads of laundry.
  • Ironed.
  • Plums – harvested, gave away and freeze.
  • Peas – harvested and freeze.
  • Mowed lawn.
  • Bought potatoes.
  • Washed car.
  • Unload yard clippings and miscellaneous items at container park (recycling park).
  • Decalcified rain shower head.
Numbers, Travels

Amsterdam Kortrijk

Yesterday was the last full day the family have in Amsterdam. Thus, we took it easy and went for a short walk after breakfast. We did some sightseeing and had drinks at Café Doffer. In the late afternoon, the six of us ate Cantonese take-away in the hotel dining lounge.

This morning, I had a very early breakfast with my parents at six thirty. Then D and I saw my family off at the front entrance of the hotel when they left for the airport at eight.

With many hours to spare until checkout, D and I went for a leisurely breakfast, took two walks, and spent some time in the hotel room before taking the tram to the train station. We took photos of the surroundings, drank beers, and got on a rather full train bound for Antwerp at two twenty.

Our two train rides took three and a half hours in total, and we reached home safely by eight thirty.

Jibber Jabber

Parks & Bridges

Yesterday morning, D and I took a walk after breakfast to a park next to the hotel. In the afternoon, we went to the park again, but this time we brought along my parents. The four of us stopped at a café for some beers after a long relaxing walk. In the evening, the six of us had a lovely teppanyaki dinner at Hosokawa.

Today, the weather was not ideal so my parents stayed back in the hotel to rest and re-organize the contents of their luggages. D and I went on a lengthy walk over the four bridges and canals, shopping streets, Chinatown’s Buddhist temple and then had a very late lunch of ribs and beer at the charming Café De Klos. Dinner was at a restaurant close to the hotel called Momo (had a cat by that name). I ordered a small dish (ribs not digested at that point in time) and ended up eating bits and pieces from the other family members. I am the food disposer. 😉
