Health, Movies, Books & TV Shows

Repotting & Reading

For the past two weeks, I have been experiencing mild lower back pain. The culprit is known – my science fiction e-books! To read, I have to sit. And to read long intense stories of space adventures means sitting down way too long.

So this morning, I made the decision to not read even if I have the chance to do so. Instead, I occupied myself with some light household chores. I also took on a task of transplanting and repotting some of my house plants. I planted the sad looking pansies into the flower bed under the bird house, knowing that it will probably die anyway. The potted Chrysanthemums I got for free were planted next to the hibiscus. These stand the chance of surviving spring and summer. I moved my young avocado plant into a bigger pot. Also did the same for the tough little Christmas plant.

Time to reward myself now. Time to finish up the first book of a Chinese science fiction trilogy: The Three-Body Problem.
