Food & Drinks, Simplify

Candied Walnuts

I have been storing several glass containers of raw walnuts in the fridge since October. Yesterday, I found one that had gone green and mouldy! Since there was nothing I can do about the spoiled walnuts, I just trench-compost those along with my kitchen scraps this morning.

Then, I looked up a few recipes so that I may use up some of my walnuts, while they are still good. The candied walnuts recipe I found is in Chinese, and I find that the Asian way is totally different from what I have seen so far. The raw walnuts were blanched to remove any bitterness. The sugar coating contained water. I was rather sceptical about the water and the very limited amount of sugar required. But what came out of the oven was simply wonderful. The recipe is a keeper. 🙂
