Food & Drinks, Jibber Jabber, Simplify

March First

Can you believe that it is already March?!

This morning, I trench-compost my kitchen scraps in the vegetable garden. Then, I ate one bread roll (pistolet) from yesterday’s Too Good To Go purchase. I have about twenty in total! That is a lot of bread to portion out and consume in the next few days. Have to be smart about it.

In the afternoon, we went to a business which sold us our bathroom accessories, to order a set of aerators for our bathroom sink faucets. The customer service personnel was not as friendly as the one we encountered last Friday, and not very helpful either. D and I walked out of the place, not knowing what has actually happened.

After that, D and I went to do some light grocery shopping to refill our fridge and pantry. I also wanted to take advantage of some promotions.

My dinner this evening will consist of sausage (braadworst) and bread rolls (what else?). If that is not enough, I still have last night’s leftover of noodles and char siu.

A simple start to the third month of the year. Here’s crossing my fingers and hoping it will be a better March than last year’s.
