
Off The Charts

Grass pollen count has been at all time high these days. Today, it is off the charts!

The reason why I am not sneezing and blowing my nose like crazy right now, is because I have taken an allergy pill twelve hours ago…

I woke up at 2 o’clock in the morning with eyelids that were partially glued together by eye snot. I got up, splashed my eyes with water, noticed that they were swollen and bloodshot, and went back to bed. At three o’clock, I was woken up by a mosquito bite on my arm. Once again, my eye lids were partially glued together, my nose was annoying the heck out of me, and it was warm despite having three ice babies in bed. Argh!

I gave up. I chose the easy way out. I took an allergy pill. There goes my objective of not relying on allergy medicine this year. Well, at least I am not suffering now. Maybe I will pass out in the sofa this evening, maybe not. We shall see. Eyes are still swollen. Good grief!
