Belgium, Events, Travels

Nocturnal Shopping & Knokke

Two days ago, there was a nocturnal shopping event at a garden and pond center. After a light dinner, D and I departed from home at around eight o’clock, determined to buy a certain pond filter that D had his sight on. Unfortunately, these were completely sold out even before this particular event. Ah well, D bought two filter balls, which entitled us to a serving of pasta and a glass of beer each. Pasta was out when we were queuing up, fortunately while drinking our cold beers. So the coupons are for next time, and by then D and I may chose to have hamburgers or braadworst.

Yesterday while having lunch, D proposed that we go to Knokke in the afternoon. What am I supposed to say to that?! 🙂

It was a hell lot of walking in Knokke! So much so that we needed to rest and drink at a beach bar. D had two cocktails, whereas I kept to non-alcoholic drinks. I have learned to pace myself when surrounded by the known triggers of fainting: suffocating heat, loud noises, alcohol and too much food. I was not risking it…

The best part of Knokke was the walk on the beach. Shoes and socks off, feet in the cooling seawater, refreshing sea breeze, and the scenery.

When we reached home, after an hour drive, we grilled a sea bream (dorade in Dutch) for dinner. Our barbecue meal also included some grilled potato wedges, and a lettuce salad.
