Wealth & Creativity

Creative Questions

For weeks, if not months, three major issues have been hovering above my head like the Sword of Damocles.

Things changed this week. D started his internship, we wake up early, and I have plenty of time alone to scheme and strategise. 😛

So, me being me with my endless questions, took action and just asked. My three major issues multiplied into many questions and remarks, targeting three different parties.

As of today, my creative questioning has resulted in some very promising replies. The swords are gradually turning into solutions. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, simply because I have asked.

Food & Drinks

Leek & Potato Soup

At lunch today, I finished up the last portion of the leek greens, potato and endive soup I made a few days ago.

On the kitchen stove, there is a fresh pot of leek and potato soup I made earlier this morning. This will be divided up into three portions – ready to be refrigerated when cool.

Food & Drinks, Health

Kiwifruit Experiment

Recently, I have been introducing the kiwifruit into my daily diet. I want to know if the fruit will actually be able to improve my sleep. This is part of the process of current-me taking care of my future-self.

It has been more than a week since I started this kiwifruit-for-better-sleep experiment. I think I have been sleeping better, but cannot make any specific conclusions as of now. I am still at the early stage of this ‘food first’ solution.

We shall see in a few weeks from now.


Brand New Card

It is wonderful to be in possession of my new residence card, name corrected, and good for 10 years. I feel like I have gained a superpower or something… 😀

De F+ kaarten afgeleverd voor 11 oktober 2021 zijn 5 jaar geldig. De F+ kaarten afgeleverd sinds 11 oktober 2021 zijn 10 jaar geldig. 