Being Human, Health, Numbers, Simplify

12 Powerful Habits

I recently read an article entitled 12 Powerful Habits I Have Stolen From Ultra-Successful People. The following are the 12 habits and how I fare in comparision:

  1. Waking up early – I wake up early most days of my life.
  2. Making lists – What can I say, list making is an obsession.
  3. Habit stacking – This comes naturally with the early mornings.
  4. Stretching – Can be improved.
  5. Listening to podcasts – Do audio books count?
  6. Meditation – Part of my morning routine.
  7. Reading – All my life.
  8. Writing –  Since I can write.
  9. Defining the most important task (MIT) – I think I am good at this, but can be better.
  10. Doing the affirmations – Need to pay attention and put more effort into this area.
  11. Visualization – Can be better and for longer terms.
  12. Exercise – Not my thing. However, I can never stay still for too long unless I’m sleeping.