Jibber Jabber

Thursday Walk

I do not usually run errands on a Thursday, but I was sort of out of fresh bread. Hey, any better excuse to get off my butt and out the house?! 😉

While I left the house at about nine to try to get to the bakery before the bread would be all sold out, I ended up talking to the neighbour for a bit. We talked about the weather, health in general and our mutual interest in plants. When I got to the bakery, there was one big loaf left. Phew, lucky me…

After a short friendly chat with the baker woman, I decided to continue my walk to the weekly market. I shall get some eierkoeken for D.

There is a reason why mom and I avoid fresh markets. Because I ended up hauling home not only the eierkoeken, but also asparagus and more than a kilogram of fish! Ah well…

Oh, I also chatted a bit with the ice-cream woman at the market, and then went to the bank.

So today, I ran some errands, talked to people, and had a lovely walk.
