Being Human, Jibber Jabber

To Be Resilient

The following are the key points of the article entitled How To Be Resilient:

  • Resilience isn’t about being bulletproof. Resilient people do experience pain and suffer, but they eventually recover and grow.
  • Rather than isolate, connect with others during times of crises, especially your friends, family, support groups and communities.
  • Acceptance can be liberating. When you accept the inevitable, you can more easily turn your attention to what you can control and become proactive about problem-solving.
  • Avoiding inner experiences, such as unpleasant emotions and thoughts, is detrimental to well being in the long term.
  • Resilience requires us to tap into our inner strengths and resources, as well as our external resources, such as social support from others.
  • Try to perceive hardship as a growth opportunity that can help you better cope with distress.

The article arrived in my reading queue at the right moment…

24 hours ago, I found out about the death of Tony Hsieh. I am going to extend my November, No Alcohol thing for an extra 12 days. Tony would have turned 47 on the 12th of December. Damn, 2020 sure is the year of tragedies, and it is still November.
